Moderation Commands

These are the commands our moderators use to manage the server. All of these are slash commands, which are invoked by typing / in a text channel.


Bulk delete messages in the current text channel.

quantityβœ…The number of messages you want to delete
reasonβœ…The reason for deleting these messages
author❌Only delete messages from this user

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Time someone out for the selected duration. The user will be unable to chat/react in text channels or join voice/stage channels until the timeout expires.

userβœ…The user you want to time out
durationβœ…How long they should be timed out for
reasonβœ…The reason for timing out this user

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Give someone a strike. Strikes expire after 30 days. If the user accumulates 3 strikes, they will be banned from the server.

userβœ…The user you want to give a strike to
reasonβœ…The reason for this strike

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Kick someone from the server. They can rejoin at any time using an invite link.

userβœ…The user you want to kick
reasonβœ…The reason for kicking this user

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Ban someone from the server and optionally delete their recent message history. They cannot rejoin with an invite link unless the ban is revoked.

userβœ…The user you want to ban
messagesβœ…How much of their recent message history you want to delete
reasonβœ…The reason for banning this user

This action is recorded in the moderation log.

/undo timeout

Cancel a timeout before it expires. This will restore the user’s ability to interact in the server.

userβœ…The timed out user
reasonβœ…The reason for cancelling this timeout

This action is recorded in the moderation log.

/undo strike

Remove a specific strike and render it inactive. Inactive strikes are not counted but will remain in the user’s moderation history.

caseβœ…The case number for the strike
reasonβœ…The reason for removing this strike

This action is recorded in the moderation log.

/undo ban

Revoke a ban. The user will be allowed to rejoin the server with an invite link.

Moderators are responsible for notifying the user.

userβœ…The ID of the banned user
reasonβœ…The reason for revoking this ban

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Update the reason for a moderation case.

caseβœ…The case number
reasonβœ…The new reason

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


View someone’s moderation history. This includes all timeouts, strikes, kicks, and bans.

userβœ…The user whose history you want to see


Lock a text channel. Restricts chat and reactions to staff only.

channelβœ…The channel you want to lock
reasonβœ…The reason for locking this channel

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Unlock a text channel. Restores chat and reactions for regular members.

channelβœ…The channel you want to unlock
reasonβœ…The reason for unlocking this channel

This action is recorded in the moderation log.


Ban all members that recently joined the server with new accounts.

This is a last resort reserved for raids and may result in false positives. Please carefully examine the list of suspicious users before proceeding.

joinedβœ…Include members who joined the server this long ago
createdβœ…Include accounts created this long ago
messagesβœ…How much of their recent message history to delete
reasonβœ…The reason for banning these users

This action is recorded in the moderation log.